Healthcare Bills

Bills included in the Affordable Healthcare Scorecard include those that impact prescription drug and healthcare prices, expand consumer protections against acts such as surprise billing, increase insurance options, and expanded access to more affordable care.

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Optimization Reviews
Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs)
Forfeiture of Health Insurance Rights
Hospital Mergers & Consolidations
Healthcare Costs
Prescription Drug Costs
Surprise Bills
Expanded Insurance Options
Certificate of Need Reform
Optimization Reviews
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Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs)
Rx Pricing Transparency
House Amendment: Higher Rx Costs
Forfeiture of Health Insurance Rights
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Telehealth Mandate
Act to Expand Access to Healthcare
Hospital Mergers & Consolidations
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Healthcare Costs
Increased Access to Life-Saving Medication
Pay Pharmacists More Act
Cost Increasing Mandate
Act to Fix Foster Care Healthcare
Prescription Drug Costs
Prescription Drug Transparency Act
Naloxone Rx Mandate
Rx Pricing Transparency
Oral Chemo Drug Mandate
House Amendment: Higher Rx Costs
Surprise Bills
Medical Billing Transparency Act
Greater Transparency in Healthcare Billing
Act to Expand Access to Healthcare
Medical Billing Transparency
Expanded Insurance Options
Allow Employers to Offer EPO Benefit Plans
Certificate of Need Reform
Increase Healthcare Competition
Act to Expand Access to Healthcare
Repeal Certificate of Need Laws
Repeal Certificate of Need
Medicaid Expansion & CON Reform

Government Mandates Increase Healthcare Costs

Senate Bill 24 & House Bill 46 take major steps to address government mandates that raise healthcare costs.

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Reorganization and Economic Development Act

SUPPORT: The bipartisan bill will remove government red tape that prevents nonprofit hospital service corporations from using their resources to improve care and lower costs.

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Medicaid Expansion & CON Reform

SUPPORT: The Senate version of House Bill 76 expands Medicaid, makes important reforms to CON laws, and allows rural and safety-net hospitals to access federal funding.

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House Amendment: Higher Rx Costs

The House's amendment to SB257 will cause consumer drug prices to rise, while providing a windfall for pharmaceutical companies and major hospital systems.

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Cost Increasing Mandate

HB 703 would mandate that millions of dollars be added to the healthcare system and encourage misuse and overuse.

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Pay Pharmacists More Act

HB 896 would mandates that pharmacists be reimbursed at the same rate as doctors for performing equivalent healthcare services. Big pharmacies would see a windfall but costs for patients would skyrocket.

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Increased Access to Life-Saving Medication

SB575 would expand access to affordable care by letting trained, qualified pharmacists prescribe, dispense and administer certain medications.

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Oral Chemo Drug Mandate

HB524 is a giveaway to Big Pharma that will cause premiums to increase and provide no check on already sky-high specialty drug prices.

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Increase Healthcare Competition

Senate Bill 462 will reform North Carolina's outdated Certificate of Need (CON) laws to allow for more competition in the healthcare industry. Increase competition will lower costs and improve access for consumers.

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Naloxone Rx Mandate

HB93 would create a costly new prescription drug mandate that pads the pockets of drug manufacturers, adds millions of dollars of unnecessary expenses to the healthcare system, and puts politicians between doctors and their patients.

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Allow Employers to Offer EPO Benefit Plans

SB228 and HB373 would make a high-quality, more affordable health insurance option available to small businesses, workers and their families.

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Telehealth Mandate

HB149 would institute a costly and dangerous government mandate requiring that families and businesses, through their insurance premiums, cover (i.e., pay for) any healthcare service provided virtually if it’s covered in-person.

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Rx Pricing Transparency

SB257 would increase prescription drug pricing transparency, establish important consumer protections, and help people save at the pharmacy.

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The SAVE Act would increase healthcare access and lower costs by removing outdated government regulations to allow high-skilled nurses to practice at the full level of their education and training.

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Repeal Certificate of Need Laws

SUPPORT: Senate Bill 48 will help create an environment where competition can lead to lower prices and better services for patients.

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Medical Billing Transparency Act

SB505 will help protect consumers from surprise medical bills by ensuring they are notified if anyone caring for them at an in-network facility is out-of-network.

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Medical Billing Transparency

SUPPORT: Senate Bill 46 helps protect consumers from surprise medical bills by ensuring they are notified if anyone caring for them at an in-network facility is out-of-network.

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Greater Transparency in Healthcare Billing

SB415 will protect patients from surprise medical bills received in emergency situations and from out-of-network providers at in-network facilities.

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Government Mandates Increase Healthcare Costs

Senate Bill 24 & House Bill 46 take major steps to address government mandates that raise healthcare costs.

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Medicaid Expansion & CON Reform

SUPPORT: The Senate version of House Bill 76 expands Medicaid, makes important reforms to CON laws, and allows rural and safety-net hospitals to access federal funding.

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2023 SAVE Act

SUPPORT: The bipartisan SAVE Act will increase healthcare access and lower costs by removing outdated government regulations to allow high-skilled nurses to practice at the full level of their education and training.

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Foster Care Reform

SUPPORT: Senate Bill 156 and House Bill 340 will improve the way children and families in foster care get healthcare, regardless of where they live.

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Repeal Certificate of Need

SUPPORT: House Bill 107 will help create an environment where competition can lead to lower prices and better services for patients.

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Access to Healthcare Options

SUPPORT: House Bill 76 expands Medicaid and allows rural and safety-net hospitals to access federal funding.

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Prescription Drug Transparency Act

Senate Bill 411 holds Big Pharma drug manufactures accountable by making them notify and justify any major Rx price hikes.

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Medicaid Expansion

Senate Bill 408 keeps the ball moving forward on Medicaid expansion.

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Reorganization and Economic Development Act

SUPPORT: The bipartisan bill will remove government red tape that prevents nonprofit hospital service corporations from using their resources to improve care and lower costs.

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Act to Fix Foster Care Healthcare

House Bill 144 takes a critical step in fixing the state’s fractured foster care system by authorizing the state to move forward with a single, statewide healthcare plan for families and children in the foster care system.

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Medical Debt De-Weaponization Act

The Medical Debt De-Weaponization Act (House Bill 1039) will help protect families from crippling medical debt by increasing transparency, setting fair interest rates, and curtailing harsh collection practices.

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Act to Expand Access to Healthcare

The proposed committee substitute (PCS) for House Bill 149 will increase access and lower healthcare costs for North Carolinians.

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There are no current bills pertaining to that issue.

North Carolina General Assembly Members

Voting records

Members of the North Carolina General Assembly are elected every two-years and serve two-year terms. Lawmakers are those serving in the 2023-2024 Legislative Session. Affordable Healthcare Scorecard grades are assigned at the close of the legislative session.

View past members voting records